Physical, psychological or emotional trauma is an injury like any other that can be healed!

If you want to heal trauma, to us, you are a Hero. If you practice trauma healing, to us you are a Trauma Healer.

We connect Heroes with Trauma Healers for FREE.

We are currently building our Database of Healers for Heroes to be able to search globally.


Right now, you can search our current Healer Database that is steadily growing, and gain FREE access to all our Resource Pages. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, or would like to support our OAHJ Trauma Healing Membership Community in any way, kindly provide us with your contact details below and will get back to you within 24 hours.


Kindly provide us with your contact details to request Healer Membership to our OAHJ Community and Healer Database. We will get back to you within 24 hours. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, or would like to support our OAHJ Trauma Healing Membership Community in any way, we will be very happy to hear from you.

Click on the 4 minute video below to learn more!

PLEASE NOTE: We are currently building our Open Forum Pages as well as populating our Healer Database and Resource Centre. Use the “Contact Us” Forms above to if you have any questions or want to remain updated on our progress!

  • Feeling stuck, Hopelessness, Loss of core values, Self-destructive behaviour, Concern for the future, Anxiety, Being under or overweight, Depression, Insomnia, Cynicism, Negativity, Reckless behaviour, Trauma memory avoidance, Rage, Helplessness, Chronic fatigue, Paranoia, Overcompensating behaviours, Substance abuse, Irritability, Overwhelm, Anger, Age-related issues, Self-destructive behaviour, Emotional outbursts, Feeling blocked, Feeling stuck, Feeling unsupported, Feeling unloved, Concern for children, Guilt, Physical illness, Impulsiveness, Hyper-vigilance, Nightmares, Derealization, Feelings of detachment from self, Feelings of detachment from others, Feelings of detachment from reality, Negative thoughts about self, Negative thoughts about others, Self-loathing, Unresolved issues coming up, Worthlessness, Feeling undeserving, Lacking abundance, Withdrawal from loved ones, Loss of core beliefs, Low self-esteem, Low self-worth, Feeling betrayed, Feeling abandoned, Disproportional, debilitating distrust of others, Inability to form relationships, Fear, Self-sabotage, Emotional outbursts, Insecurity, Fear of the future, Feeling like giving up, Having suicidal thoughts or fantasies…

    If “yes”, it is highly likely you, or they, have suffered a traumatic event or events, and are in need of trauma healing. We are here to help!

  • Trauma is the root cause of nearly all suffering and disease in the body. Many individuals are not aware that trauma healers and various healing modalities that work, even exist, let alone are easily accessible.

    Deep-seated trauma is the debilitating energy frequency we carry in our nervous system after experiencing an out-of-control, deeply disturbing or life-threatening violation of our body/mind/spirit complex.

    The trauma-based experience automatically creates a pathway in the nervous system that runs much like a film loop in the nervous system; If that film loop is not re-routed in, that individual will RE-experience the original trauma, in varying degrees of intensity, when triggered by external events that remind them, even remotely, of the original traumatic event.

    In Western medicine, this condition is referred to as "Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder" or PTSD… (continue reading)

Do you practice a Trauma Healing modality? Join our HealerDatabase for FREE!

  • Add your name to our Global Healer Database, so Heroes from around the world can connect with you. You will also be able to Advertise your Services and research materials, all for FREE in our Resource Centre.

  • You must hold a valid certificate or diploma in the modality (modalities) you practice, have a healing Practice that includes working with trauma Clients, and be willing to share your professional details with us, so we can upload your OAHJ Registered Healer Profile to our Global Database for Heroes from around the world to search and connect with you.


    To sign up, use the Healer Contact Form above.

  • Registered OAHJ Trauma Healers from around the world practice different “modalities” or practice methods to heal trauma.

    Among the most effective and trusted trauma healing modalities and therapies are:

    Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprogramming (EMDR), UNITY Living Energy Work, Holotropic Breath Work, Heart Rate Variability Training (HRV), Micro-Point Stimulation (MPS), Native and Traditional Therapy, Neuro Feedback Technology, Plant Medicine Therapy, Psychedelic Therapy and Somatic Experiencing.

    We have found that a combined approach through one of the above modalities, along with energy healing, and establishing an ongoing spiritual practice, are a winning combination.

Our Services

  • Once you are a Registered OAHJ Healer, Heroes from around the world can search for you by name, modality, location, and other details in our Global Healer Database, so they can contact you and book your services.

    We are currently populating our Database. Please be patient as we grow our OAHJ Community!

  • A comprehensive, highly educational online, Trauma Healing Resource Centre, where registered OAHJ Trauma Healers can post their research, intellectual property, videos and white papers, or offer courses or training to other Healers or Heroes from around the world.

    We are currently populating our Resource Centre. Please be patient with us as we grow our Resource Centre and OAHJ Community.

  • A News and Current Events section where you can learn about new trauma healing modalities as they become available to the global population.

    Please be patient as we grow our News Centre and our OAHJ Trauma Healing Community.

Our Partners

  • Each of our current Partners has a Proven Track Record and Success Rate of up to 94%, without recurring trauma-induced episodes.

    If you would like to partner with us to get your Healing Practice noticed, and help spread the word that trauma can be healed, contact us at, and we’ll get back to you within 2 business days.

    Visit our Partnership Page for more information.

Allen Kanerva, MA, is a former military officer and pilot, humanitarian worker, International NLP Trainer and NLP Master Coach. He uses the most sophisticated and rigorously researched tools in neuro-science that address post-traumatic stress (PTS) without drugs, without re-experiencing trauma, and with a 94% success rate.

Click HERE to view Clinical Practice Review Paper 1.

Click HERE to view Clinical Practice Review Paper 2.

*Recommended for Trauma Intensity Levels 5 to 10 Healing (10 is highest)

An M.D. trained in Germany, Darius Meibodi practiced oncology for 20+ years then became a highly sought after Light Body Integration Practitioner who practices using his own healing methods. Darius guides Clients to re-awaken their multi-dimensional, selves, heals trauma, medical issues, and facilitates easing of the current ascension process and more!

Click HERE to be taken to information Darius shares on ascension and how he can help you on your ascension path.

*Recommended for Trauma Intensity Levels 1 to 5 (10 is the highest)

The 16 Week Unity Living Process starts wherever you are at in your spiritual unfolding. It is equally as profound for seekers as it is for long-standing practitioners. Whether your goal is to heal trauma and eliminate blockages, or want to explore attaining self-mastery the Unity Bubble and Process are what you have been searching for.

*Recommended for Trauma Intensity Levels 1 to 5 (10 is the highest)

  • Disease is an abnormal condition of a part, organ, or system of an organism, resulting from various causes, such as infection, inflammation, environmental factors, or genetic defect, characterized by an identifiable group of signs, symptoms.

    If you have, or have recovered from a life-threatening disease, chronic disease or cancer, releasing the layers of trauma still stored in your body will greatly add to your full recovery and lessen the chances of recurrence significantly.

Haven’t signed up with us yet?

Everyone has unresolved emotional, physical or psychological trauma, adversely affecting our lives.

Join us today and make what may be the connection of a lifetime.

Remember, Hero or Healer, that connection is 100% FREE for you to make by joining our Membership Community; and we will never ask you for your credit card information!

We are currently setting up our Healer Database. If you would like us to add you to it, please fill out the form below and our Admin Team will get back to you within 24 hours.

Thank you for your commitment to healing trauma globally!